Birthing with Ayurveda˚

Prepare for Birth and the Fourth Trimester with Deborah Rose.

With personal guidance, library access and workbooks


This is for you if...

• You're ready to reconnect to your innate power to birth and heal any past trauma, worries or mistrust between you & your body

• You're open to letting go of sticking to one birth plan and welcoming your body, baby and circumstance to take the lead instead (with your bag full of holistic tools for a positive outcome, of course!)

• You appreciate 1-on-1 guidance to personalise your journey, ask me any questions and share your wishes or concerns with me in private

• You're interested in natural remedies, the power of nutrition, personalised self-care and either dynamic or deep meditation to promote physical and mental ease/relief

• You wish that your antenatal care wouldn't end with birth, but instead would continue to carry you through the fourth trimester and beyond

Because this is a personalised course, I can only take 15 birthers each month:

The Journey

1st, 2nd or 3rd Trimester:

Private Session + 20-minute follow-up and personalised self-care protocol

Bonus 1on1 if you go over your due date

library access:

4 x birth preparation recording

• 4 x fourth-trimester recording

• 1 x "Closing the Bones" tutorial

• 1 x bonus recording wk 41 & 42

6.5 hours of content


1 x prenatal journal "Conversation with

Birthing Energy"

• 1 x postnatal journal with herbal formulas and nurturing postpartum recipes

• 8 x practice, worksheet or recipe by email (wk 32 - due date)

Your Curriculum

The Recordings


Pre-labour: "Are these contractions?", things to do & natural remedies

1 hour


Easing labour with bodywork, movement & breath

1 hour


Botanicals & Aroma for each stage of labour

45 minutes


The Golden Hour: the first hour of your baby's life on Earth

45 minutes


First Foods: nutrition for your Dosha + each week of the Postpartum window

1 hour


Bodywork for each stage of healing during the Postpartum window

1 hour


Botanicals for common postnatal ailments

45 minutes


Ayurveda & Breastfeeding + Ayurveda & perineal healing

1 hour

Bonus Recordings


"Baby is Overdue": holistic tools to get labour started

75 minutes


Yoga Nidra:

A visualised meditation to help you prepare for Birth

50 minutes


"Closing the Bones":

A belly wrap tutorial + ritual ideas

30 minutes

Your Curriculum

personalised pieces

Not one prenatal journey is the same. Moreover, your route to birth and a healthy baby begins much earlier than the week before your due date. Ayurveda approaches pregnancy as the fertile ground for growing a healthy body, mind and soul, and believes that this process is influenced by the birth mother's thoughts and well-being levels.

Your prenatal period is an exclusive opportunity to invest in a balanced mind, body and soul with Ayurveda's holistic self-care tools. Nutrition, herbal medicine, bodywork, movement, breathing, meditation and mindful habits will benefit not only mum but baby, too.

Ayurveda thrives on the idea that each individual has unique needs, and each protocol starts with a Mind-Body ("Dosha") Discovery:

  • as soon as you claim your spot, you will be able to book your private intake with me
  • after the intake, you will receive a personalised self-care protocol to serve you exactly where you are on your journey
  • you will be offered a 20-minute follow-up to ask any questions
  • based on our intake, you will receive weekly personalised preparation tips starting in week 32 and until your due date
  • if your baby is comfy and stays beyond her due date, you can opt-in for an additional 1-on-1 session with me

About Your Guide:

Deborah Rose

Welcome. If you are reading this, you are likely somewhere along your pregnancy, or someone you love will give birth soon.

You're in the right place.

After Ayurveda healed me from fertility issues - nearly a decade ago - I decided to immerse into this luscious, ancient wisdom with first lineage holders such as Dr. Vasant Lad, K.P. Khalsa and Maya Tiwari. My interest in birth work was sparked when I came across the work of Terra Rafael, a retired home birth midwife who continues to be my beloved mentor.

Why did I create this course?

I can't tell you how much Ayurveda's holistic, gentle and personalised strategies have helped me during my own pregnancy, birth and motherhood journey. That's why I redesigned my practice after the birth of my son to primarily serve birthers and their families. There's nearly nothing as magical as witnessing a mother stepping into her primal ability to birth, nurse and bond. It's a true honour to hold their hand along the way.

At the same time, it saddens me that doula support is not always affordable for many families. That's why I've extracted the essence from my care packages and packaged it with journals, personalised self-care methods, and webinars so that you can immerse yourself in your journey with Ayurveda for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum healing at your own pace. And you won't be alone! We'll begin your journey together with a one-on-one Zoom session.

Contact Me

Deborah Rose



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